Offended the Big Boss

Wang Peng was rooted to the ground in a daze.

"Brother, there's also an issue with the program," Assistant Ma's voice came again. "You're not allowed to shoot any more episodes. The sponsors have also called to cancel all advertisements. You won't be able to participate in any activities in the future."

Assistant Ma seemed to have reserved the deadliest blow for last when he added, "President Liu from the club called as well. He asked me to tell you that you no longer have to come to work tomorrow. He said you've offended the big boss of City A and he… We can't protect you anymore."

Wang Peng finally crumpled to the ground. His eyes stared lifelessly at the distance, and his face was devoid of color.

He lay on the cold ground with the same words repeating inside his head: 'I'm done for, I'm done for, I'm done for…'