Familiar Names

Qin Jing had gone back home to deal with a family matter, and later made plans with his brother.

When they were out in the streets, they happened to see Meng Yang lumbering around.

They eventually agreed to have dinner together, and Meng Yang suggested that they wait for Yao Tang and Lin Xin at school.

Not much was said as the group headed to their usual place.

They sat together at one table and enjoyed their meal.

They had already met Qin Rui during Qin Jing's birthday, so the atmosphere was pleasant and amicable.

However, it didn't take long for Meng Yang to blurt out the question that he had been dying to ask.

"Did you meet up with Yan Yu and the others?"

Lin Xin ducked her head and put her chopsticks down.

"No, we didn't. I have no idea what's going on, they all told us that our classmates weren't home. We had no choice but to return empty-handed."