Biological Father

After Mr. Yang had finished speaking, he walked over and shook their hands with a smile on his face. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Yao Rong didn't really know much about the Music Association, but from what he could gather, he knew for a fact that Yao Tang was brilliant!

It seemed that she was even more outstanding than he had initially thought.

Jiang Wan also shook hands with Mr. Yang. "So, Mr. Yang, what would you say is your favorite composition?" The two immediately chatted about music scores and popular melodies.

The older man couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

When Mr. Yang had seen Qin Man's vulgar actions, he assumed that the entire family was like this—impatient and violent. It seemed however that Yao Tang's parents were quite different and just as extraordinary as her.

They were definitely much more fitted into the organization compared to the deranged woman!