Prepared for Yao Tang

Yao Rong furrowed his eyebrows. "Linlin, what is it that you want to tell me?"

He backed away from the kitchen and looked around. However, he didn't find anything wrong with his surroundings, so why did Liu Lin look like she was about to cry?

"My room!" Liu Lin rubbed her eyes as she immediately went on a rant about how her room had been taken away by the mother-and-daughter tandem. Because of this, she had no other place to stay.

She wiped the tear sliding down her cheek, sniffling.

Despite this, Yao Rong didn't hear another word. Instead, he went up the stairs and sized up the room for himself. The only problem he could see was that the room was far too small.

It was too...simple.

Given the short period of time they had to get everything ready, the decorations were practically flawless. Even then, he still felt like they could do more in the future.

The room was just far too small for Yao Tang.