Illegitimate Child

Yao Ran told them that she had accidentally discovered something strange about Yao Tang's blood type—it was different from the rest of her family. What was more, she had run into someone who looked just like Yao Tang a few days ago.

But she didn't want to cause any trouble, so she refrained from discussing the matter with her parents.

As such, Yao Ran was understandably conflicted and confused about what to do with the information.

In the end, it was the boys who came up with a plan. They intended to engage with Yao Tang one way or another, then secretly pluck a few strands of her hair. Yao Ran would then take the specimen to a laboratory for a DNA test.

Unfortunately for them, Yao Ran would see through their ruse and thwart their scheme.

Not only that, but the boys would also be rebuked by the public, and the inevitable embarrassment would shadow them for quite some time.