Invite Miss Yao

Xiao Qing was taken aback for a few seconds, but she managed to recover her composure. "She went to take care of another private room, so I will be in charge of you from now on."

She mustered a smile to hide her curiosity.

Why were so many people looking for Xu Xuan today?

Xiao Qing had even heard from the supervisor that a young master from the capital had specifically asked for that wench, hence the last-minute changes in their assignments.

She just couldn't understand why anyone would be interested in Xu Xuan, especially given her looks.

Still, Xiao Qing could tell a good egg from a bad one, and she knew that these kids from Room 401 meant no harm. At the very least, they were polite to her.

She might as well earn their favor while she served them.

Lin Xin nodded, unsurprised at Xiao Qing's answer.

After all, Xu Xuan attended the same school as they did. It was understandable that she didn't want to serve them.