Missing Bracelet

Lu Qing's smile took on a sinister edge. "I appreciate your concern, Miss Yao, but there's no need for that."

Yao Tang rolled her eyes. "Let's go, then."

"Now, you're talking!" Lu Qing beamed. "Shall we?"

"Sister Tang," Lin Xin called out and made to get out of her seat.

In the next second, however, the hooligan beside her raised his baton, threatening to hit her if she made another move.

Meanwhile, Xu Xuan burst into the kitchen and headed for the locker room. She retrieved the medicine kit and treated her wounds.

When she finished bandaging her hand, she leaned back against the wall and heaved a defeated sigh. She took out the money Lu Qing had thrown at her.

Xu Xuan stared at the wad of cash, her grip tightening. She didn't want the money at all, but she did need it.

She folded each bill and tucked them into her coat pocket, making sure to stash the garment toward the back of her narrow locker.