The Only Passenger

As soon as he said this, the manager followed the subordinate's nervous gaze all the way to the front door.

There, he could see a young woman standing right by the entrance. He couldn't really see her with her overly large hat and her equally large mask. However, with the aura emanating around her, he could tell she wasn't just some ordinary passerby.

She held the phone in her hand, looking as if she were on a call.

"I don't care who she is," the manager snapped. "Don't you know that Director Xu is currently meeting with a guest? He doesn't have time to meet with this young girl! Why would you allow her to come over like this?"

"But she said something about an urgent matter she needed to discuss. She even knows Director Xu's office. What if it's really an urgent matter?"

"There's nothing more urgent than his guest! Are you crazy?"