Side Effects

As soon as Yao Tang had walked out of her room, her phone started dinging with a thousand notifications! A minute more, and her phone would explode.

"I'm back." Yao Tang texted Qin Jing.

Her friend didn't waste any time filling her in about the recent events. There were exchange students, and Yao Ran—fortunately—wasn't looking for trouble again.

After responding to her messages, she called Qin Rui and asked him to pick up Lu Ming.

Within half an hour, Lu Ming limped inside her room. His cheeks were rosy, and his eyes were bright. It was obvious that the man was recovering well.

"You're here!"

He heard from Meng Yang that Yao Tang had gone somewhere, and there wasn't any word on when she'd be back.

"Meng Yang has been nagging me so much that I feel like my ears are going to fall out." Lu Ming grinned up at her, rubbing his ears as emphasis.

"I'm back."