Unfilial Daughter!

After saying this, Qin Man couldn't help but stroke her hair in annoyance.

If people were to speculate about what had happened to Yao Ran, it would only reflect terribly on the Yao Family. If the Yang Family would find out about this, then what would happen next?

Her mother was actually worried about this! Yao Ran didn't know what to say. She had known that her mother didn't love her, but she didn't expect that—

"It's not good for your reputation," Qin Man said quickly, realizing what she had thought. "I'm only worried about what others might think of you. You get it, don't you, Ranran?"

She pretended to be calm. "I know, and you don't have to worry."

There was a long period of silence when she added, "I'll wear long sleeves for the next couple of days. I'll try my best to cover it up, so no one would find out about this."

Yao Ran lowered her head, staring at the ground. Her fingernails dug into her palms as she stifled the urge to cry.