Brother Zhang

Qin Man spoke with confidence. "Since I am giving you a chance, you should gladly accept it. You're not a child anymore. It's high time for you to do your part and share the burdens of your family. Those three live in such a shabby house… Don't you feel sorry for them at all?"

A shabby house…

Yao Tang's brow furrowed. She wanted to be done with Qin Man and leave the place.

Clearly, the woman had other intentions for calling her over.

Yao Tang turned and made to leave again.

Just then, a short, pot-bellied man with a chunky gold necklace approached their table.

Qin Man's face lit up. "President Zhang! You're finally here!"

The man—Zhang Shou—nodded jovially. "It has been a long time, Madam Yao, but you're still as beautiful as ever."

After exchanging pleasantries, he glanced at Yao Tang and immediately did a double take.

A lecherous haze came over his eyes. "So, Madam Yao, this beautiful miss must be the lady you spoke of."