I Will Ruin Your Life

Qin Man was panicking when she saw this.

"President Zhang! Oh no, President Zhang!"

She was afraid that something would happen to the family's golden ticket, but she was much more terrified of the younger. He had a formidable aura that told her that he was no ordinary person.

Qin Man directed her ire at Yao Tang and cursed at her.

"You wretched girl! Are you enjoying this? Do you think you can take responsibility if something bad happens? Hurry up and do something! President Zhang is your future husband, how can you just stand by and watch him get hurt?"

"Future husband?" Cheng Yan repeated in a menacing tone, the fury in his eyes burning anew.

"Who, this guy?" Yao Tang rolled her eyes at him and scoffed.

Then she turned to address Qin Man. "Madam Yao, if you're so desperate to have someone from the family marry this man, I will gladly help you find a good divorce lawyer."