No Complications

At first, he was only a little alarmed by Cheng Yan's strength.

He had foolishly underestimated Cheng Yan, thinking that he was no match for Zhang Shou, City A's resident tyrant.

Now, it was clear that he had been mistaken.

Cheng Yan had rattled on some of Zhang Shou's crimes without flinching, when he shouldn't have been privy to this information to begin with!

A part of Zhang Shou wanted to cut his losses and just flee, but his ego forbade him to run like a coward.

He had been publicly humiliated, after all.

With this thought, he looked at Qin Man and snarled. "Madam Yao, you've really done a good job, haven't you?"

Qin Man was caught off-guard, and she could only blink at him in panic.

She opened her mouth to explain, but Zhang Shou had already turned away before she could get a word out.