Apologize to Everyone

"Teacher Xi, we came to your school for the lectures. If we're really just going to dig our heads into these books, then what's the use of staying here? Maybe we should leave."

Yan Wei's voice was as calm as the water, but there was a sense of threat in between her words.

It was obvious that if Class 20 continued acting out like this, then they'd have no other choice but to leave the classroom.

This must've been bad news for the students of Class 20.

What she didn't expect was for Class 20 to not react at all. In fact, as they shared glances at each other, they even wished that they'd leave as soon as possible.

Yao Tang glanced in Yan Wei's direction. "If you don't want to stay, then get lost."

Lin Xin was a bit more polite in that regard. "It's a pity that you'd have to leave," she slowly said with a shrug. "But if you think that's best for you, it's fine with us."