800,000 Yuan

Xu Xuan grabbed her bag and scoured through her things. Once she saw her water bottle, she handed it over to Yao Ran almost cautiously.

Yao Ran rolled her eyes. "I don't want to drink from your bottle," she snapped impatiently. "Are you really that cheap that you couldn't part with a few yuan?"

Given that there was no one else around, she didn't bother trying to put up a mask. Instead, she scowled at the tennis player, her eyebrows furrowed over.

Back then, she wouldn't have dared to treat anyone like this, trying her best to maintain her gentle persona. However, now that she was in debt, all bets were off.

Seeing Yao Ran this way, Xu Xuan staggered back in guilt.

Suddenly, a thought crossed her mind. "Do you mind if I borrow your phone for the day?"

"Borrow my phone?" Xu Xuan pursed her lips, confused.