Grandma Xu's Symptoms

When Xu Xuan heard this, she turned to Lu Qing and threw him a look filled with hate.

"That's mine!" she choked on a half-sob. "Give it back!"

Lu Qing's upper lip twisted in mockery. At last, he tossed the bracelet over to them like it was some piece of trash. It landed with a loud snapping sound, then slid toward Xu Xuan's feet.

She immediately plucked it from the floor and blew the dust particles that stuck between its chain.

She had managed to retrieve her purse along with her clothes, and she wasted no time tucking the bracelet in its innermost pocket.

Xu Xuan heaved a long sigh of relief at the knowledge that her bracelet was now safely back in her possession.

But that didn't mean that her problems were over. She checked on her grandmother, who still hadn't woken up yet.

She didn't even know the exact condition of the old woman's body. Was she going to survive this ordeal? Would there be any lasting side effects?