Needles in A Black Pouch

It was Xu Xuan who had asked the doctor not to tell Grandma Xu the truth about her illness.

In fact, the doctor had advised her that the prospect weren't optimistic, hence Xu Xuan's constant worry for her grandmother.

She had been preparing all this time, certain that Grandma Xu's illness had no remedy. But now…

Xu Xuan took a deep breath and asked, "Is that really true, Yao Tang?"

Her hands clenched into fists as she braced herself for the answer.

Yao Tang slowly let go of Grandma Xu's wrist, her face smooth and devoid of emotions. Xu Xuan couldn't help but hope.

If Yao Tang was telling the truth…

'That means that Grandma can be cured.'

Xu Xuan's heart raced. She stifled the urge to pinch herself to see if she was only dreaming.

Grandma Xu, on the other hand, was still staring at Yao Tang in a daze.