Ran Every Morning

"That's not necessary," Xu Xuan said. "The club I currently work out has protection measures in place for the employees."

In truth, she doubted she would earn as much at the restaurant as she did at the club. The catch in working at such a high-risk place was the pay.

She was tight on budget as it was. Not only did she have Grandma's medical expenses to think of, but she also had to pay off their debt for losing the bet.

Xu Xuan couldn't afford to think about her own worries when there was so much to take care of.

She needed every penny.

Besides, she had caused her schoolmates too much trouble already. They had even gone against Young Master Lu for her sake.

Qin Jing scoffed and rolled her eyes. "If your club really wanted to protect you, then your manager wouldn't have called you over in the first place."

Xu Xuan lowered her eyes and said nothing.