Her Grandfather

Xu Xuan didn't know why her grandmother was asking this, but she still nodded.

Her response seemed to excite the old woman, though there were brief flashes of hesitation and anxiety on her face.

"And she is your classmate, yes?"

"She's just a friend who attends the same school."

"Oh," Grandma Xu looked deflated. Her disappointment was gone in the next second, though, and she quickly asked, "Then do you know her grandfather? He—"

She cut herself short.

Xuanxuan probably didn't know, anyway. After all, they just happened to be schoolmates; they shouldn't be close enough to exchange personal details about their respective families.

Nevertheless, she had already asked, and Xu Xuan was able to supply an answer. "I do know a little about her family."

She wasn't one to care for gossip, but she would always hear things about Yao Tang since everyone was constantly talking about her.