Top Student from City F

"Achoo!" Yao Tang sniffed and rubbed her nose.

The weather had been pretty bad recently, and the seasons were changing. Her sinuses had been acting up.

Yao Tang placed Xu Xuan's bracelet on the table and studied it through a magnifying glass. She could immediately distinguish the fine lines on its surface.

The craftsmanship was very similar to the necklace around her neck, though they had different patterns.

There seemed to be a minor difference in the components of the material used as well.

Xu Xuan's bracelet was made of the same metal that came with the sheepskin scroll Yao Tang had previously acquired. Regardless of how it had come into the other girl's possession, one thing was clear—this bracelet was related to the object Yao Tang was looking for.

But Yao Tang sensed nothing wrong from Grandma Xu, nor did she feel anything strange in Xu Xuan's home.