Calling Yao Tang a Fraud

Meanwhile, Yao Tang stared at the last message Principal Kong had sent and frowned.

What did he mean?

Was he angry?

Yao Tang pondered it for a brief moment, but when she still couldn't figure it out, she decided to drop the matter altogether. She turned to Lin Xin and asked, "How is your test paper coming along?"

Lin Xin instantly felt a sense of foreboding.

"Sister Tang," she said warily, "What are you planning?"

Yao Tang blinked at her and shook her head, indicating that it was just a casual question.

"Well, never mind."

Hearing this, Lin Xin heaved a sigh of relief and proceeded to fan her face, as if she had just narrowly escaped a disaster.

But then Yao Tang shifted in her seat to look at Qin Jing. "Do you know many tests Lin Xin has finished?"

"What?" Qin Jing looked up from her physics exercise. "She has one more left, right?"

Lin Xin grimaced and her shoulders dropped.