Kowtow and Apologize!

However, Qin Jing was the one who had said this piece of information.

She wasn't the type to joke about these things. After all, being called an illegitimate child, she wasn't only insulting the person, but her entire family. And she wasn't the type to speak without thinking.

Just then, Yao Tang spoke,

"So if I bring the truckload of books over, you will never sit in Yan Yu's position again?"

"Yes, and if you don't meet your end of the bargain, I'd like you to kneel down, kowtow three times to me, and apologize." Yan Wei glared at her.

Qin Jing was the first one to react. "What the hell is wrong with you? Are you really that arrogant that you want Yao Tang to kowtow to you?" She sneered in disgust. "Who do you think you are?"

"Why? Don't you think it's equal?" Li Ruo appeared displeased. "Just now, that girl slapped her while you hit the back of her hand. Is that how you rufians treat your guests?"