Yet to Be Released

Yan Wei wanted to steal a few more glances at this mysterious man, but she didn't expect to be so intimidated to even look in his direction. A shiver shot down her spine, and she had to repress the urge to run away.

However, despite her better judgment, she raised her head and forced herself to look at him.

What she didn't expect was for Cheng Yan to meet her gaze. His cold eyes felt as if they had swallowed her completely, and her fingers trembled.

How could Yao Tang stand his presence?

She staggered back and refocused her attention on the large trucks in front of her. She needed to scan over this first truck first before moving to the other ones.

The review materials on the first truck appeared to be all over the place. It was as if someone had thrown them all inside before allowing the driver to speed away. She could see the logo of her school pasted on all of them.