Enforce the Law

"It wouldn't be good if this matter was blown out of proportions." The teacher tried to explain, but her words only fell on deaf ears. However, at this moment, Yan Wei only felt that the teacher was only saying this to protect her student.

Yan Wei clenched her fists.

"I'm sorry, but I've already made a call. The police will arrive soon."

She added, "Since they dare perform such an illegal act, then they should be punished, should they not? It's the only way they can learn their lesson."

The teacher was about to argue with her, but Cheng Yan interrupted, "Let her call them." His voice was dripping with poison.

The teacher felt like she wanted to cry. What was happening?

She had initially wanted to step in and stop Cheng Yan from saying anything else, but it was too late. What else could she do besides have front-row seats to this trainwreck?

The teacher simply quieted down and stepped back.