Seeing Things

Elder Guan's face was etched with regret.

Yao Yan nodded politely at the old man. "Since your inquiry seems to be satisfied, Little Sister and I will go upstairs now."

"All right."

Elder Guan turned on his heel and walked back toward Yao Rong.

He was barely a few steps away when something else occurred to him. He whirled around and called out to Yao Tang again. "Wait!"

And once again, Yao Tang paused, her eyebrows twitching in annoyance.

She cast a sideways glance at Yao Yan and gestured subtly at him.

He easily understood the message, and he intercepted the old man yet again. "Is there anything else?"

Elder Guan was staring at Yao Tang with a glint in his eyes.

"Little Girl," he said with a sly smile. "I also find your glasses to be rather tasteful. Can you take them off for a moment and let me inspect them? I'd like to get one of those for my granddaughter as well."