A Joke Between Classmates

His seatmate, on the other hand, couldn't help but grumble, "We did nothing to provoke them, They were the ones who initiated the trouble. Our classmates are bullies who want to drive us away! Well, we aren't pushovers. We won't take this treatment sitting down!"

Yang Nian lowered his eyes wearily. "I'll look into this matter. We'll discuss it again later."

When the bell rang for lunch break, he sauntered over to Yao Tang's desk. He swept his gaze over her and her friends, then said, "Let's have lunch together."

"Huh? What's the matter now?"

Yang Nian flashed them his charming smile. "I just think it would be more comfortable for us to talk over a meal."

Qin Jing's eyes were clouded with displeasure. "What do you want to talk about, exactly?" she asked impatiently. "Why can't you just say it now and be done with it?"

Yang Nian ignored her and turned to Lin Xin. "I should be calling you cousin, right?"