Talk of Compensation

Qin Jing clapped her hands and gave him a sarcastic smile. "Fine! So, this is all our fault, then? We're the ones who spread nasty rumors and played a prank on you, exchange students, is that how it is? Only Yan Wei is pure and innocent in this whole debacle? Ha!

"We will compensate you for the damages, then. Call Yan Wei immediately and ask her to apologize to us. It was her words that hurt us in the first place and tainted the relationship between the two schools."

Yang Nian's expression turned ugly at Qin Jing's taunts.

"I'm not joking," he said after a while. "I came to you with the intent to discuss this matter on behalf of the exchange students. Please do take it seriously."

"Oh, but we're very serious about this, too!" Qin Jing blinked at him.

This time, Yang Nian turned to Yao Tang.

He couldn't get anywhere with Qin Jing and Lin Xin. Perhaps it was better to start with Yao Tang, after all.

"What do you think?" he asked.