The Truth Was Revealed

Police officers quickly surrounded Xu Hong and Liu Zhi. Their faces were serious. All of them looked like they were on guard.

Grandma Xu shook her head. "It's their fault! Liu Zhi had taken the vase and tried to attack Tangtang, and I had fainted out of fear. This has nothing to do with her!"

"Tangtang, smashed the crock to protect herself! She didn't mean to hurt anyone. In fact, she hasn't hurt anyone in this room."

Liu Zhi shook his head unwillingly. He waved his hands up in the air. "Mom, don't be so biased! Don't you know that this girl had fed Xu Hong some medicine? Now, her throat hurts whenever she tries to speak. We've also been wronged!"

He added, "We did all of this for you! If we hadn't been so worried for you, we wouldn't have tried to stop her."

Xu Hong wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks. She sniffled as she hid her face behind his sleeves.