Applying the Medicine

Yao Tang gazed at his scar thoughtfully.

Seeing her furrowed eyebrows, Cheng Yan tilted back. "Is there something wrong?" he questioned, snapping her out of her reverie.

"Your scar..."

However, before she could even continue with what she was about to say, her phone started to ring.

She turned on her phone to see Yao Yan's name popping up on her screen. "Hello," she greeted as soon as the call was connected.

"Are you alright?" His panicked voice came through. "I heard you were attacked. Were you hurt?"

"I'm fine."

As soon as Yao Yan received a message from the bodyguard, he immediately called up his sister.

While the bodyguard had reassured him that she wasn't injured in the process, he still wanted to make sure. He took a deep breath, finally calming down after hearing her response.

"I'm here for you, okay? Always."