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"Oh, that's right," Yao Yan added. "I didn't come here just to thank you. I was supposed to help you apply your medicine. You don't mind me doing it in Tangtang's place, do you?"

This time, it was Cheng Yan who had to hold back from hitting Yao Yan.

He was still deliberating with himself whether this was Yao Tang's idea or Yao Yan's when the other man spoke.

"Tangtang asked me to come. Don't worry. I may not be a professional, but I have a lot of experience in treating wounds. My technique shouldn't be too bad."

Cheng Yan's lips twitched. "Forget it. I'm sure Mr. Yao is very busy. I wouldn't want to waste your time."

"It's quite all right," Yao Yan insisted, his expression remaining neutral. "You did save my sister. This is the least I can do. If I bail now, I won't be able to explain myself to her later."