Head of the Yang Family

"You can hand it over to the people of this organization, and they will relay it to me."

But Yao Tang only tilted her head to the side. Her eyes were still as indifferent as before, but he could detect a hint of a smile in her voice. "That won't be necessary. I don't need your parchment."

With that, she cleanly inserted the USB drive into the doorway and walked out of the room.

A moment later, her figure disappeared in the distance as the door banged shut.

The man stood alone in the private room, staring blankly at the door, his eyes wide with disbelief.

His brain seemed to have stopped working; his thoughts were jumbled up, and he couldn't even form a single, coherent idea.

He just couldn't understand it. He had entered this deal with the confidence that he would emerge victorious, yet it turned out to be the opposite.

He was at an utter loss.