A Cripple

Qin Man just couldn't accept it if her daughter would become a cripple.

If the ladies in the city knew about this, wouldn't they become a laughing stock?

"70-80% recovery is already quite good. Besides, I wouldn't even say that she's medically crippled. It's just that, she'd limp just a bit whenever she walks, but I believe this can still be addressed by therapy." The doctor frowned.

"If we hadn't done the surgery, then she would've actually been a cripple."

After the scan, they saw that the bone was completely broken. It was a difficult situation, one that should've been addressed promptly. For it to recover 70-80% of its function was already a feat.

He couldn't understand how it had been twisted to this extent.

However, this mother was also strange.

Her daughter had been more injured. He expected her to ask about the condition of her injury and how she'd recuperate. He didn't expect her to call her own daughter a cripple!