Join The Association

After saying that, Lin Xin sighed. "However, if he doesn't know it yet, maybe it's better not to tell him. I mean, he might get angry if he reads all these comments."

Just then, a thought occurred to her. "Don't think too much about it too! I don't want you to get angry. I just...I just wanted to..." She bowed her head, unsure what to say.

Yao Tang stared at her, deadpanned.

With a sigh, she took her friend's phone and glanced over at the comments. There was no expression on her face.

Even then, Lin Xin still felt a shiver down her spine.

She touched her arm, taking a deep breath. The tips of her hair stood at the back of her neck. With Yao Tang's look alone, she could already feel hell was going to break out.

"Sheng Ting, do you really have to ride on the popularity of the Sports Association? Are you that desperate?"

Yao Tang narrowed her eyes at the comment.