Her Secret Weapon

Yao Ran knew that Qin Jing had the backing of the entire Qin Family. They had enormous power and influence in the capital.

If this had been any other place, she would've been scared out of her mind. She wouldn't dare insult them so directly unless she wanted to be blacklisted by the entire Qin Family.

At this point, she wasn't even sure if the Yao Family would back her up.

However, things were much different now. Now, that she had Uncle Tian as her backing with the entire Xu Family, she could easily trick Yao Tang in entering their abode and beat them up.

No one would know what would happen to them.

The Xu Family, after all, lived far away from the city center point. In fact, they lived in the most chaotic neighborhood, with gangsters roaming around the area.

There were also no surveillance cameras to prove or even disprove their innocence. It was the perfect location.