An Ancient Organization?

Grandma Xu was shaking as she watched her comrades get beaten up. They were speaking amiably enough just a while ago. She didn't expect Yao Tang to attack so suddenly.

Even Yao Ran didn't escape their wrath.

Unfortunately for her, Grandma Xu had long forgotten about Xu Xuan taking Yao Ran's place.

Qin Jing was just as surprised at this development, though it didn't last long. The moment she heard Yao Ran scream, she didn't hesitate to go over and land a few punches herself.

If it hadn't been for Yao Tang's combat skills and the host of bodyguards tailing her, Qin Jing might be the one getting assaulted right then.

There was no way she was going to show Yao Ran any mercy.

When they were done, Yao Tang's people stretched their sore muscles and cooled themselves off while Uncle Tian and his men wailed in pain.