Volunteered Himself

It remained firmly in his thoughts, though. Xiao Jing would never dare to say something like that to Yao Tang's face.

This time was no different.

Seeing that their options were limited, he decided to volunteer himself.

"How about this, Yao Tang? You know that I specialize in piano, but you also know that my violin is good, right? Why don't I be your violin concertmaster?"

Xiao Jing spoke emphatically, as though this was just a matter of course.

Then, to drive his suggestion home, he added, "I tried thinking of other candidates, but I really won't be able to find anyone at this point."

He ended it with a dramatic sigh.

If Yao Tang didn't know any better, she would have thought that he was reluctant to do her this favor, and was only forced to volunteer since they had no other choice.

In any case, if she refused his offer now, she might ruin the chances of her orchestra even participating in the assessment.