Razor Tongue

Xiao Jing looked like he was genuinely concerned for Wu Hai's well-being.

He swept another glance over the Shanna Orchestra as Wu Hai's expression darkened.

How could he have thought that someone from Yunmei Orchestra was nice and magnanimous? He should have taken those rumors to heart, after all.

Xiao Jing might not be as hot-tempered as they said, but he certainly had a razor tongue that ripped Wu Hai to shreds.

If Wu Hai could turn back time, he would have never spoken to Xiao Jing in the first place.

"Senior Xiao Jing, you have my utmost respect because I regard you as my model and my inspiration," he said bitterly. "But here you are, dragging our team's morale down when you know very well that we will be competing tomorrow. How can you be so callous toward your juniors?"

All the excitement he felt when he had first seen Xiao Jing was now replaced with anger and indignation.