Day of the Assessment

Something occurred to her then. "How many people did Xiao Jing bring with him?"

The others considered for a moment before replying. "Three. Four of them arrived in total."

A new wave of anxiety washed over Yao Ran.

"What's wrong?" someone asked. "Is there a problem?"

Yao Ran's eyes were burning with hatred and resentment.

"The number of people we got rid of… there were four as well."

At first, she thought that Xiao Jing would supervise and maybe guide the Glory Orchestra while they rehearsed.

But after learning that the number of people who had come matched the number of people their rival group was missing, she felt a deep sense of foreboding.

If Xiao Jing himself took part in tomorrow's assessment, then the gap between the Shanna Orchestra and the Glory Orchestra would be huge and obvious.

After a brief hesitation, Yao Ran fumbled for her phone and called her teacher.