
Yao Ran was also very nervous. She looked nervously at the large screen before her as a bad feeling stirred in her stomach. bit her lips.

Although she was already expecting a certain result, she was still expecting that things would change for them. She took a deep breath.

A part of her had hoped that the judges would like their performance and give them the high marks that they deserved.

Unfortunately, the big "B" flashed across her screen. While she breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help but feel resentful. She dug her fingernails into her palms.

They had certain rules to abide to in the Music Association .

In the first test, one had to be given a Grade D.

In the second test, one had to be given a Grade B.

In the third test, one had to reach a Grade A to pass.

This was Yao Ran's first test, so she passed quite easily. However, this wasn't the result she had initially wanted.