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Not only did their relationship become estranged, but Yao Tang was now officially known as the child of his younger brother's family. Her household registration was also filed under them.

Such an outstanding child should belong to his family, right?

How could he lose to them?

As he thought of this, the remorse on his face grew deeper and deeper. He clenched his fists, and so many emotions flashed across his eyes.

After a long while, he sighed. "This child is truly outstanding," he murmured. "She has such a distinguished teacher, and she's never said anything about it. She keeps everything at a down low."

As soon as he said this, Yao Ran's expression changed.

Yao Yuan had always wanted to reconcile with Yao Tang. Now that he knew that she was quite distinguished in the music field, it was likely that he'd want for her to return to their family.

Thinking of this, Yao Ran gritted her teeth.