Broken Communication Line

The rescuers, on the other hand, were curious. "Shouldn't you guys be at the top of the mountain? How come you're at this place?"

If they hadn't been looking out for possible tourists in the area, they might have missed the students altogether. Not that their predicament was any more hopeful than before.

Now that the helicopter had crashed, they had lost their only means to bring these people out of the mountain. The only thing they could do now was to contact their headquarters.

Still, it didn't seem like these people need much rescuing.

According to the information passed on to them, they should be at the peak for some ceremony or something.

It was a weekday, so no one thought that there would be tourists in the area. It was for this reason that the headquarters had only sent out one rescue team.

Imagine their confusion, then, when they reached the peak and saw nobody there.