A Problem with the Magnetic Field

Everyone took out their weapons and readied themselves for a fight.

"I don't care who you are," Qin Hao said. "Quit playing these stupid tricks."

After saying that, he swung the dagger at his hand. Its cold, sharp blade glinted as it cut through the air.

The others followed suit and brandished their blades to try and scare the intruder off.

But the man was unfazed. "Hehe."

He stretched languidly, as if he was just lounging inside his own house.

He had a mocking grin on his face as he swept his gaze over the rest of them, a grin that told them they were overestimating themselves.

"A word of advice to you guys. If you want to come out of this place alive, I suggest that you leave as soon as possible. Otherwise…"

The man trailed off, but everyone recognized the underlying threat in his words.

Then, without warning, he threw a golden ball in their direction.