Can't Escape

They followed Yao Yan out of the Lin Family Villa. Lin Xin snuck a glance at her friend, flashing her the brightest smile she could muster.

She was ecstatic about having lunch at her house. After all, she really had never been there, and she was excited to spend more time with her friend.

Not only that, but she would also be able to go to school with her together. The thought of this made her even more excited.

Yao Tang raised her eyebrows at her, but she didn't say a word.

Now that Lin Xin was here, Yao Yan naturally wouldn't scold her. That meant, that she could still push this out a little while longer.

However, as soon as they had gotten into the car, the atmosphere changed just a bit.

She could see her brother casting a few glances at her in the rearview mirror before heaving a sigh. She shifted on her seat uncomfortably.