An Upgrade

Yao Ran walked over and called out to him softly. "Teacher? Teacher, are you asleep?"

Teacher Zhang's eyes were tightly shut, and he was already snoring.

He seemed to be well into a deep sleep.

Yao Ran studied him for a moment before looking back at Qin Man. She knew she was in a very difficult position.

Qin Man glared at her and nodded in the First Class cabin's direction.

Yao Tang was there with her teacher. If Yao Ran went there now and tried to assert their relationship, she just might be able to score a seat in First Class.

How did Yao Tang manage to get in there, anyway?

Yao Ran bit her lip and glanced at Teacher Zhang again. He was still sleeping soundly. Then, she slowly headed to the First Class cabin, her steps heavy and reluctant.

A flight attendant was waiting by the entryway, ready to greet the passengers coming into the cabin.