Good News

Buying private hospitals and hiring experts to develop new medicines…

Yao Ran burned with envy. She couldn't help but compare Qin Man's efforts to that of Madam Meng. It wasn't hard to see who truly loved her daughter.

When she failed the Music Association's assessment, Qin Man had been furious and almost chased Yao Ran out of their home.

She was nothing more than a tool for her mother to show off to society. If she complained even once, Qin Man would scold and even beat her up.

In contrast, Meng Ling had this lavish room to herself, with her mother fussing over her every move. She was treated like a princess.

All Qin Man ever did for Yao Ran was to plot her future and ensure that everything went according to plan.

Through her bitterness, Yao Ran still felt the nagging sense that something was wrong. If the experts had taken ten years to develop the cure, then that meant that had to expend much effort and money into it.