An Unfamiliar Road

"Haiya, he really likes to dawdle around. When he arrives, I'll make him drink this entire bottle! He really shouldn't be this late!" One of the elders said with a smile.

"Yes! He must drink for all of us!"

Everyone began to talk to Yao Tang. The atmosphere started to lift up, especially when they found out that she'd be taking her college entrance examination soon. "We'll be sure to hold a banquet for you once you get into your university of choice," they cheered.

"Yes! What university are you most interested in?"

The elders were quite happy as their memories shifted from the old friend to the young visitors in front of them. Before long, half an hour had already passed and Elder Chen still hasn't arrived.

"Edler Chen should be here soon. Let's wait a little longer."

Deng Hai took out his phone and sent a message to Elder Chen. He then asked the waiter to serve some tea or snacks for all of them.

Everyone continued to chat.