Code Name Viper

How bad could his injuries be, anyway, when he was still standing there, prattling on and on? If it hadn't been for Tangtang, Tan Jian would likely be in a much worse condition.

Yao Tang silently took out a packet of tissues and wiped her fingers clean.

From a distance, Chauffeur Wang stared at the scene before him in a daze.

His knees shook with fear, and he felt an overwhelming need to flee.

But where could he even run to?

He had so many men with him, but even all of them combined were no match for this slip of a girl. He doubted he could escape, even if he sped off in his car.

Chauffeur Wang leaned against the tree, his face ashen.

He had betrayed the Cabinet.

And traitors to the Cabinet never met a good end. He knew that he would be tortured ruthlessly for his actions.

Before he knew it, Yao Tang was already upon him, sneering.