And Axe and an Arm

President Tan had witnessed her reject Elder Xu and several other Cabinet Elders before. Now, he considered it nothing short of a delight to see an enemy being given the same treatment.

He was sure it would be much more exhilarating than the other past instances.

He couldn't wait to see Elder Nie's sullen face!

Thinking of this, President Tan almost broke into giggles again. Thankfully, he was able to stop himself at the last minute. Instead, he opened his mouth and said:

"You sure are eloquent, Old Man. You say that your Green Cloud Pavilion will be taking over the Cabinet in the future, and yet this is all you're capable of—kidnapping unsuspecting victims and launching attacks out of the Cabinet's eyes. It's plain to see that you're all bluster! It's not a very effective tactic, I must say. Even the small sects from the countryside are better than you!"