The Reservation

Yao Tang glanced at Cheng Yan before turning off her phone and taking the milk tea.

She took a sip, then realized belatedly that Cheng Yan had already taken the mango cake out of its box.

His eyes gleamed with unabashed affection as he handed the pastry to her.

It was all Qin Jing could do not to squeal in delight at the scene unfolding before them.

She turned to Lin Xin and winked urgently, signaling at the latter to look in Yao Tang and Cheng Yan's direction.

They had long suspected that the young man was interested in their Sister Tang, but they never had the chance to know for certain. That was, until now.

What made them even more excited was the fact that Yao Tang didn't seem inclined to reject his advances. If anything, she welcomed his gifts of desserts and milk tea.