A Rare Opportunity

In the past, the man had even been called a loyal dog who was nothing without his master.

And yet here he was, willingly humbling himself in front of another. Whoever these three men were, they must be very powerful people, indeed.

With that thought in mind, Madam Meng shifted her gaze and peered at the men in question, only to stiffen in shock.

She recognized one of them as Ma Chao, the CEO of a large conglomerate that dominated the list of top-performing businesses in Beijing. He was still in forties, but he already had an illustrious run in the corporate scene.

The Meng Group had been seeking him out for a possible collaboration, but they had never been able to secure a deal.

Madam Meng had tried setting up a meeting with Madam Ma, as well, but her efforts had been fruitless thus far.

Just a few days ago, Madam Meng and her husband had brought their executives to a banquet to pay their respects to Ma Chao.